Preparing For The First Release of WOLBACHIA MOSQUITOES in Indonesia

In 2013 EDP prepared the groundworks and trial sites for the release of Aedes aegypty mosquitos carrying Wolbachia. EDP also conducted various initiatives to ensure a smooth transition from laboratory to field application in Bantul and Sleman, Yogyakarta. Throughout 2013 the Tahija Foundation…

Renovation of 16th Century Building

The Tahija Foundation and the Banda Cultural and Heritage Foundation (Yayasan Budaya dan Warisan Banda) are collaborating to renovate a 16th century building formerly the residence of the Deputy Governor

Project Dengue

In 2004, the Tahija Foundation initiated and launched a research and pilot project to help find a solution to the DengueHemorrhagic Fever (DHF) issue. The research was implemented in Yogyakarta in three stages since 2004 and was concluded at the…