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Governor of Yogyakarta volunteered his hands bitten by mosquitoes

EDP-Yogya.  The Governor of Yogyakarta Special Region, Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono X visited EDP-Yogya insectary on February, 14 and gave up one of his hands to feed the Wolbachia mosquitos.  Within five minutes, Sultan’s arm swelled up with dozen of bites. This…

EDP-Yogya Public Randomisation

EDP-Yogya.  As part of the efforts to sustain the stakeholders and community engagement, EDP-Yogya conducted the randominsation process of the research cluster areas openly at the Yogyakarta City Hall on 25 January 2017.  Drs. Sulistyo, acting as Mayor of Yogyakarta…

Sharing Brings Happiness

On 6 September 2016, Yayasan Tahija delivered school equipment donation from Yayasan Dharma Bermakna to support Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini (PAUD)/Sanggar Inklusi (Early Childhood Inclusive Education) Tunas Bangsa in Nguter village, Nguter sub-district, Sukoharjo district, Central Java. The school currently…

Large-Scale Trial in The City of Yogyakarta Began

Yogyakarta.  Efforts to control dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) using Wolbachia Aedes aegypty is currently being tested in the city of Yogyakarta.  This method has previously been applied in Bantul and Sleman with satisfactory results. The launch of this program is marked with…