The Logo

For the Tahija foundation, the leaves and flowerets of the Tahija cinnamon tree represent the foundation’s core values: empathy, equality, pluralism.

The logo of the foundation depicts leaves and flowerets of the Cinnamomum tahijanum Koster, which is a native cinnamon tree first discovered in Borneo and described in 1970 by Dr. A.J.G.H Kostermans, dedicated to Julius and Jean Tahija thus; “…this beautiful tree is named in honour of Mr. Julius Tahija, Chairman Managing Board of the PT Caltex Pacific Indonesia, Jakarta, who donated a substantial sum to the Herbarium Bogoriense, Bogor, for the preservation of the material, deposited in that worldwide known Institute and whose wife is immensely interested in plants and in maintaining a beautiful garden upcountry off Bogor.”


The Tahija Foundation

is a non-profit organization established in Jakarta by the late Mrs. Jean Tahija and Mr. Julius Tahija on March 21, 1990. The Tahija Foundation is a formal vehicle for the philanthropic initiatives of the Tahija family. 

Vision & Mission

To bring about a better Indonesia through partnership for sustainable initiatives in education, culture, health, environmental conservation and social services

  • 2025-2029

    Chairman of the Board of Trustees:
    Dr. Sjakon G. Tahija
    Board of Trustees:
    Laurel C. Tahija
    Chairman of the Supervisory Board:
    Ir. George S. Tahija
    Supervisory Board:
    Dr. Shelley L. Tahija
    A. Wahyuhadi
    Chairman of The Executive Board:
    Trihadi Saptoadi
    Silvia Novi
    Suzylowati Hartantio

  • 2021-2024

    Chairman of the Board of Trustees:
    Dr. Sjakon G. Tahija
    Board of Trustees:
    Laurel C. Tahija
    Chairman of the Supervisory Board:
    Ir. George S. Tahija
    Supervisory Board:
    Dr. Shelley L. Tahija
    A. Wahyuhadi
    Chairman of The Executive Board:
    Trihadi Saptoadi
    Silvia Novi
    Suzylowati Hartantio

  • 2019-2021

    Chairman of the Board of Trustees:
    Dr. Sjakon G. Tahija
    Board of Trustees:
    Laurel C. Tahija
    A. Wahyuhadi
    Chairman of the Supervisory Board:
    Ir. George S. Tahija
    Supervisory Board:
    Dr. Shelley L. Tahija
    Chairman of The Executive Board:
    Trihadi Saptoadi
    Silvia Novi
    Sonny Susanto

  • 2013-2018

    Chairman of the Board of Trustees:
    Dr. Sjakon G. Tahija
    Board of Trustees:
    Ir. George S. Tahija
    A. Wahyuhadi
    Chairman of the Supervisory Board:
    Dr. Shelley L. Tahija
    Supervisory Board:
    Laurel C. Tahija
    Chairman of The Executive Board:
    Trihadi Saptoadi
    Silvia Novi
    Sonny Susanto

  • 2008-2013

    Governor: Dr. Sjakon G. Tahija
    Comptroller: Ir. George S. Tahija
    Chairperson: A. Wahyuhadi
    Secretary: Silvia Novi
    Treasurer: Sudaryanto

  • 2003-2008

    Governor: Dr. Sjakon G. Tahija
    Comptroller: Ir. George S. Tahija
    Chairperson: A. Wahyuhadi
    Secretary: Silvia Novi
    Treasurer: Sudaryanto

  • 1991-2002

    Founder and Officers
    Mr Julius Tahija
    Mrs Jean Tahija
    Dr. Sjakon G. Tahija
    Ir. George S. Tahija