First National Forum on Health Philanthropy

The Centre for Health Policy and Management from the Faculty of Medicine, Public Health and Nursing of Gadjah Mada University (“PKMK FKKMK UGM”) held the First National Forum on Health Philanthropy via online on July 21-22, 2020. The event was held to explore various philanthropy funds for health development in Indonesia as well as dissemination the result of collaboration research between PKMK FKKMK UGM and the Indonesian Philanthropy Association. Yayasan Tahija is one of the sponsorsof this event.
The role of philanthropy in health development in Indonesia is very extensive. Health Philanthropy is one form of a non-government sector participation in the health sector. On the first day, the forum discussed on “Overview of Health Philanthropy in Indonesia”, and continued with “Health Philanthropy in Indonesia: Case Study” on the second day.
Mr. Trihadi Saptoadi as Chairperson of Yayasan Tahija shared the “Venture Philanthropy Journey to Create Sustainable Health Impact” while Widi Nugroho, presented Yayasan Tahija’s philanthropy activities in “Helping the Nation to End Dengue”.
An important take away from the National Forum on Health Philanthropy is on how the government develops policies that support health philanthropic activities and is able to develop an equal partnership with philanthropic institutions. One of the concerns raised by participants was that health sector is not included in the list of sectors that receive tax benefit from the government even though this sector is very important for the achievement of sustainable development goals.