Building Road Map to Implement Wolbachia Technology

The World Mosquito Program (WMP) of Monash University hosted and organised Strategy Meeting in Ho Chi Minh city on 11-12 December, and it was attended by their global partners (including Tahija Foundation (“Yayasan Tahija”), Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Welcome Trust Foundation, Macquarie, Australia’s Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade and other partners).
Trihadi Saptoadi, Chairman of the Executive Board and CEO of Yayasan Tahija who participated in the meeting said, “With promising results of Research and Trial Phase that proves WMP’s Wolbachia technology is a cost-effective, safe and sustainable method to prevent dengue epidemic, it is time for us to develop sound strategy and road map to implement the program”. Yayasan Tahija is committed to continue supporting the program in partnership with Gadjah Mada University to eliminate dengue in Indonesia. We expect that our current Randomized Controlled Trial in Yogyakarta city, which will be completed end of next year, will provide much stronger evidence of the technology efficacy and to prove our enhanced in-country capability to adopt the technology locally and to scale up in the future.